Thursday, February 16, 2012

How can you not do anything?

Funny moment no. 1213813719821821 at work.

After helping with a rather beautiful male student, a stand-by student, a woman to be exact, asks me the following:
"Are you married?"
Caught off guard, I reply with a sheepish "no".
"Then how can you not do anything when you see a boy like that? He was good-looking!" she gestures where the boy once stood.

Mind you this is a married woman talking to me who is about 35+ years old. Hahaha.

But I agree, he was very handsome à la Edward Honaker sans la coupe de cheveux. Still, he had slickback hair, a little scruff. And he was very nice and tall.

On the bright side, should I see him again on campus I can talk to him.
(Or at least try to... Hahaha)

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