Saturday, March 31, 2012


- learned German via pins
- Stroganoff isn't that bad.
- mmm cheese.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I've been wearing pyjamas since last Friday. I've been constantly changing t-shirts because every freaking time the fever goes down I sweat bucket loads. I've been eating fruits and yogurt and congee soup. I have no appetite. I'm nauseous. I've been hibernating since last Friday too. Well I did go to the doctor's on Monday. That doesn't count.

I miss my health. Meeehhhh.

On the bright side, I made pancakes this morning because yesterday I learned that maple syrup is healthy.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lavender tea and The Weepies and TV kind of Sunday night.

Not the ideal time to get sick. SERIOUSLY.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gotta have you

No amount of coffee, no amount of crying.
No amount of whiskey, no amount of wine.
No no no no no. Nothing else will do.
I've gotta have you, I've gotta have you.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Couple of things

  • Sudden, out-of-the-blue fever = shivers and feeling cold and headache.
  • I can't freaking deal with this right now, I have so much shtuff to do. NO. GO AWAY FEVERRRR!!!!!
  • The Temper Trap show this Sunday!!! SUNDAY FUN DAY!
  • We actually have to compile a "karaoke" video for my computer class. SERIOUSLY? Hahahah. I'm singing Jacques Brel. Deal!
  • I don't care what she says.
  • Osheaga 2012. It's happening.
  • Tuesday, March 20, 2012

    Aimes-tu les macarons?

    JOUR DU MACARON à Toronto. Naturally during our one hour break, we'll go midtown to claim free macarons!

    Miam miam.

    Friday, March 16, 2012


    See you next mid-July. Four months. Solo.


    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    Merci Baudelaire

    Reciting Baudelaire outside and basking in the sun.
    Then you walk over.

    Monday, March 12, 2012

    A guy in a nice suit and wing tips.

    Need I say more?

    Sunday, March 11, 2012

    Finished my fourth short story.
    Needless to say, my eyes are burning.


    Saturday, March 10, 2012

    Believer, a dreamer

    Nathaniel Wayne (Moon) Swokowski's voice + writing = a superb Saturday night.

    Thursday, March 1, 2012

    What I have been doing lately:

  • waking up before 7am – when I could clearly be sleeping until much later – to head to campus and do homework. (I must admit that this tactic has been working quite perfectly).
  • watching a lot of Sex and The City reruns. GUILTY!
  • drowning in assignments. Three weeks to go!!!! LET'S DOOOO THIS!
  • finding myself falling asleep in class... why am I so tired? I can't be. I shouldn't be. Other people have it worst than me.
  • listening to I Can't Make You Love Me, the Bon Iver cover, on repeat. His version makes me want to cry.
  • also listening to a lot of T. Mills. T MILL-I-ON! I freakishly find him attractive. I don't know...
  • wearing variations of the same thing.