Dear boy-lining-up-at-the-financial-services-counter-to-pick-up-his-OSAP-documents-last-week,
You were undeniably good looking. And I couldn't help to pretend not checking you out (the feeling was mutual :D). Aha. I can let your obnoxious music past.
Pleased to have encountered you.
In the near future,
Sunday, October 31, 2010
It's kind of nice to know that a person is still thinking of you after 8 years of separation.
In a different continent, that person still remembers who you are and actually gives an honest shit about you and how you're doing. That person e-mails you frequently just to keep in touch because they want to.
If only the majority of the people I met in the past 8 years were like that, I'd give everyone a chance.
Shit happens. Life happens.
In a different continent, that person still remembers who you are and actually gives an honest shit about you and how you're doing. That person e-mails you frequently just to keep in touch because they want to.
If only the majority of the people I met in the past 8 years were like that, I'd give everyone a chance.
Shit happens. Life happens.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Congratulations Toronto! Way to go!
Rob Ford, you're such a professional and educated man. More people should be like you.
WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING TORONTO?! How could you all be hypnotized by his unrealistic plans?! Cutting the vehicle registration tax altogether? We need those taxes so the city can actually get money to pay for other things.
Can we seriously shut the fuck up about the TTC expansion? What a dream, and an unnecessary one at that. Do we really need it? No. Because we have lived without that expansion for so long. And we can go on with our lives without it too.
There are far more important things that should be on top of your list Ford, other than expanding the freaking TTC lines.
will consist in me stuffing myself with Indian food, mmm samosas mmm fish patties mmm bryani!!!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
The FRAN exam was way better than the NATS one. (How is that even possible?!)
And the people in the student lounge wouldn't shut up. I shoved my earphones in my ears and blasted some freaking Bon Iver. He is the answers to all of life's problems. Honestly. Haha.
Just so you know, I do not care, nor will I ever care, about your drunken escapades.
And the people in the student lounge wouldn't shut up. I shoved my earphones in my ears and blasted some freaking Bon Iver. He is the answers to all of life's problems. Honestly. Haha.
Just so you know, I do not care, nor will I ever care, about your drunken escapades.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I want a guy like Dave from The Buried Life. Everyday would be an experience. And obviously, he'd make me laugh for days and consequently, make me happy.
We could wear matching flannel shirt outfits! Haha, okay maybe not.
: )
We could wear matching flannel shirt outfits! Haha, okay maybe not.
: )
I sit in the Student Lounge hoping that someone, anyone, guy or girl (most preferably one of the opposite sex) will talk to me, strike a conversation. Not the just-for-sake-of-talking conversation, but long meaningful, i-want-to-get-to-know-you-honestly conversations. I wouldn't mind knowing your whole life story. I really wouldn't.
So far, that plan has not come to life yet. But I have hope and I know, that it will soon manifest itself.
Pleased to meet you.
So far, that plan has not come to life yet. But I have hope and I know, that it will soon manifest itself.
Pleased to meet you.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I'm looking at you, you're lookin at me.
Seconds seem days.
You wear a smile, so delicately
all in your gaze.
What you do to me, I just can't explain.
Words cannot say.
I'm looking at you, you're lookin at me
then you look away from me.
Studying, taking notes for my 2210 midterm this friday.
Bon Iver's daytrotter session playing in the background. Justin Vernon, you're amazing.
Autumn has painted the sidewalks with dead, brittle leaves. Trees are constantly shaking off their branches. The air could not be any more refreshing. And the campus is ridiculously beautiful. Looking out the window of a classroom and all you see are rich reds, saturated oranges, deep browns.
I'm beginning to appreciate Fall.
Seconds seem days.
You wear a smile, so delicately
all in your gaze.
What you do to me, I just can't explain.
Words cannot say.
I'm looking at you, you're lookin at me
then you look away from me.
Studying, taking notes for my 2210 midterm this friday.
Bon Iver's daytrotter session playing in the background. Justin Vernon, you're amazing.
Autumn has painted the sidewalks with dead, brittle leaves. Trees are constantly shaking off their branches. The air could not be any more refreshing. And the campus is ridiculously beautiful. Looking out the window of a classroom and all you see are rich reds, saturated oranges, deep browns.
I'm beginning to appreciate Fall.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Why am I not surprised but yes for the 80 000+ Pantalone voters!!!
And he took the news like a freaking champ unlike Smitherman.
The elections "were mine to win". Um, no.
Only when you're defeated you decide to act somewhat civil towards your opponent.
Professionalism at its best.
Why am I not surprised but yes for the 80 000+ Pantalone voters!!!
And he took the news like a freaking champ unlike Smitherman.
The elections "were mine to win". Um, no.
Only when you're defeated you decide to act somewhat civil towards your opponent.
Professionalism at its best.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Excerpt II - a work in progress
For once Dave, be a man. Take a God damn chance. When you see her, pour your whole soul to her. Don't be afraid. Don't be a coward. Don't let yourself stop doing what you want to do. Just for once, don't think about the consequences. Be in the present, think of the now. Just say what you want to say. Let it all out.
Let her in like a wave of shock to your brain. LET HER IN.
So what you're exposed? Exposed to brutality. So what? At least it's real. At least you know what it feels like to be in love, to have loved even if it wasn't reciprocated. Be vulnerable.
Since you've transformed into this selfish monster, all you did was block out love. You ignored it. You didn't bother to give it a try. To you, it was impossible.
But now that you know what a broken heart feels like, can't you just give yourself a second chance? I mean, I think you deserve it. The amounts of pain you caused to these girls are nothing compared to what you have been feeling these past three months.
What you felt was much more powerful, more rigorous. You haven't been coherent since then. Your world suddenly stopped.
So you know what I think? I think we should tell her how we feel. We should apologize and be as earnest as we can. That's what she needs. She needs us to be real, upfront, and brutally honest.
She's right there. She saw you. Go talk to her. Now. Go, Dave. Go.
Let her in like a wave of shock to your brain. LET HER IN.
So what you're exposed? Exposed to brutality. So what? At least it's real. At least you know what it feels like to be in love, to have loved even if it wasn't reciprocated. Be vulnerable.
Since you've transformed into this selfish monster, all you did was block out love. You ignored it. You didn't bother to give it a try. To you, it was impossible.
But now that you know what a broken heart feels like, can't you just give yourself a second chance? I mean, I think you deserve it. The amounts of pain you caused to these girls are nothing compared to what you have been feeling these past three months.
What you felt was much more powerful, more rigorous. You haven't been coherent since then. Your world suddenly stopped.
So you know what I think? I think we should tell her how we feel. We should apologize and be as earnest as we can. That's what she needs. She needs us to be real, upfront, and brutally honest.
She's right there. She saw you. Go talk to her. Now. Go, Dave. Go.
1. This "hazelnut and vanilla" coffee tastes awful. Never buying that, ever again. Goodbye $1.49 : (
2. I fucking missed a whole page on my linguistics test and lost a shitload of marks. SHITSHITSHIT. How did I miss it? Beats me...
I will get an excellent mark next time. I have to. And I will.
3. NATS test today was brutal. WHAT THE HELL WAS THE WOMAN TALKING ABOUT?!?! She can't teach. She can't express herself in french. Let me teach the freaking class. Honestly...
4. Student lounge, you and I should frequent more often, just sayeeen ; ) Hahha.
2. I fucking missed a whole page on my linguistics test and lost a shitload of marks. SHITSHITSHIT. How did I miss it? Beats me...
I will get an excellent mark next time. I have to. And I will.
3. NATS test today was brutal. WHAT THE HELL WAS THE WOMAN TALKING ABOUT?!?! She can't teach. She can't express herself in french. Let me teach the freaking class. Honestly...
4. Student lounge, you and I should frequent more often, just sayeeen ; ) Hahha.
Only Human
I'll try to relate if you will talk to me.
I'll try to be great, like it we're meant to be.
You think that maybe we could sit for a while.
Come out and say the things that you like to do.
And I'll do my best to try to relate to you.
I hope that maybe we could sit for a while.
Scruff, beanie, red plaid flannel shirt, vest, black fitted jeans, and sneakers.
I'll try to be great, like it we're meant to be.
You think that maybe we could sit for a while.
Come out and say the things that you like to do.
And I'll do my best to try to relate to you.
I hope that maybe we could sit for a while.
Scruff, beanie, red plaid flannel shirt, vest, black fitted jeans, and sneakers.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
sunday night
Studying for my NATS test tomorrow and Ray Lamontagne in the background.
This weekend flew by so fast. I can't wait for the next one! Haha.
This weekend flew by so fast. I can't wait for the next one! Haha.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
in short
i. I love having intensely long conversations with people I just met. It feels like we've known each for ages when in reality we literally were strangers minutes ago. No long awkward pauses or one word responses.
ii. I blew the remaining $15.81 on my ESPRIT gift card. Goodbye $500 : ( You gave me two sweaters and two bags. A sweater for my maman and a t-shirt for my popo. That's pretty good, I suppose. I had no idea that ESPRIT was that ridiculously expensive.
iii. So I waited three fucking hours on Thursday for an INFORMATION SESSION. Not a fucking workshop. On the flyers, it was written WORKSHOP. The workshops are in January. WHAT. THE. HELL.
iv. 2210 is gonna be the death of me. Our prof told us to aim for a C+. Are we all really failing that badly? As long as we're on the same boat...
v, NATS test on Monday. Definitely going to ace that one!!!
vi. Tatted boy in combat boots and white t-shirt, um, helloooo.
vii. I want combat/military inspired boots. Speaking of boots, I wore my UGGS three times already. I always always always thought that they were ugly. But mine aren't that bad... they're sort of aztec-y. I think I'm going to add beading and feathers. Hahaha. They were a gift and they were expensive and bought in Australia. :) Ergo, I should be thankful and just wear them. Haha. At least they're warm.
ii. I blew the remaining $15.81 on my ESPRIT gift card. Goodbye $500 : ( You gave me two sweaters and two bags. A sweater for my maman and a t-shirt for my popo. That's pretty good, I suppose. I had no idea that ESPRIT was that ridiculously expensive.
iii. So I waited three fucking hours on Thursday for an INFORMATION SESSION. Not a fucking workshop. On the flyers, it was written WORKSHOP. The workshops are in January. WHAT. THE. HELL.
iv. 2210 is gonna be the death of me. Our prof told us to aim for a C+. Are we all really failing that badly? As long as we're on the same boat...
v, NATS test on Monday. Definitely going to ace that one!!!
vi. Tatted boy in combat boots and white t-shirt, um, helloooo.
vii. I want combat/military inspired boots. Speaking of boots, I wore my UGGS three times already. I always always always thought that they were ugly. But mine aren't that bad... they're sort of aztec-y. I think I'm going to add beading and feathers. Hahaha. They were a gift and they were expensive and bought in Australia. :) Ergo, I should be thankful and just wear them. Haha. At least they're warm.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Philosophie class was hilarious and insightful today. Mr Moyel is the best!!! He almost went ape shit today!!! Hahaha. We were talking about how birth is accidental, as in being born in a royal, rich, poor, middle class, or whatever class family. And then one of the students proceeded with the following argument: Birth is not accidental. All births are planned. And then of course, another student retorted with: Are you sure ALL births are planned? What about teenage pregnancy. Other student: Yeah, they are.
It was ridiculous. It had no relevance to what we were talking about. Haha he couldn't take it, he had to bow his head in shame on their behalf.
But anyway, if you couldn't tell by my overusage of exclamation marks, I am so happy because I reached the 8 page mark for my paper!!! At least it REACHED the eighth page... I'll probably add more tomorrow when I re-re-re-revise it once more.
So, I believe that the Lords of Swift and Amazing Paper writing have answered my prayers and granted me with the powers of swift 8 page paper writing :)
FOR REAL THOUGH, because yesterday I had six pages done and I was DONE. I had nothing else to say or add or elaborate or repeat. If you read my paper, first, I don't think you'd want to even finish reading it, that's not the point, you'd be like, "Is this chick intelligent? She's just repeating herself, over, and over, and over again in various ways." Why? Because almost every sentence needs justification and excellent reasoning.
Why did I take this course again? Oh yeah, I love philosophy.
It was ridiculous. It had no relevance to what we were talking about. Haha he couldn't take it, he had to bow his head in shame on their behalf.
But anyway, if you couldn't tell by my overusage of exclamation marks, I am so happy because I reached the 8 page mark for my paper!!! At least it REACHED the eighth page... I'll probably add more tomorrow when I re-re-re-revise it once more.
So, I believe that the Lords of Swift and Amazing Paper writing have answered my prayers and granted me with the powers of swift 8 page paper writing :)
FOR REAL THOUGH, because yesterday I had six pages done and I was DONE. I had nothing else to say or add or elaborate or repeat. If you read my paper, first, I don't think you'd want to even finish reading it, that's not the point, you'd be like, "Is this chick intelligent? She's just repeating herself, over, and over, and over again in various ways." Why? Because almost every sentence needs justification and excellent reasoning.
Why did I take this course again? Oh yeah, I love philosophy.
Monday, October 18, 2010
It hurts like hell. All the way to my knees.
How am I supposed to write the remaining four pages of my paper in this condition?! The pain is overpowering.
The Lords of Swift and Amazing Paper Writing, please have mercy and help me.
: (
How am I supposed to write the remaining four pages of my paper in this condition?! The pain is overpowering.
The Lords of Swift and Amazing Paper Writing, please have mercy and help me.
: (
Sunday, October 17, 2010
In the span of two days, I have written four freaking pages of my 8 page philosophy paper. Four more to go!!!!
I'm putting Socrates in his place, that's right mother fucker!!! Haha my arguments are just brilliant. I don't know what's taken over me. The philosopher in me is swimming to the surface. I am impressed... by myself. How is that possible?! I've never been so motivated in my life. I feel so cultivated. My mind is thanking me right now : ) Except two weeks ago, my mind was in fucking rage over how to attack this paper. But we did it mind, it took us two weeks, but we did it! High five!
I'm putting Socrates in his place, that's right mother fucker!!! Haha my arguments are just brilliant. I don't know what's taken over me. The philosopher in me is swimming to the surface. I am impressed... by myself. How is that possible?! I've never been so motivated in my life. I feel so cultivated. My mind is thanking me right now : ) Except two weeks ago, my mind was in fucking rage over how to attack this paper. But we did it mind, it took us two weeks, but we did it! High five!
Friday, October 15, 2010
So my sister or someone, but most likely my sister, forgot to close my rabbit's hutch yesterday.
And just now, we saw her hopping in our backyard loose. Just taking a nice stroll on a sunny day. Thank God she's not hyperactive, 'cause we caught her and thank God it's a closed area. Silly Bunbun.
Hahah. I don't blame her though, we had rain for three consecutive days.
Who needs a dog when you have a bunny? They're just great :)
On another note:
Finished my 2210 assignment!!!!!!
And just now, we saw her hopping in our backyard loose. Just taking a nice stroll on a sunny day. Thank God she's not hyperactive, 'cause we caught her and thank God it's a closed area. Silly Bunbun.
Hahah. I don't blame her though, we had rain for three consecutive days.
Who needs a dog when you have a bunny? They're just great :)
On another note:
Finished my 2210 assignment!!!!!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bill O'Reilly
Shut the fuck up.
"Because muslims killed people on 9/11!"
Are we even sure that "muslims" did this? You don't have real fucking proof.
There is a huge distinction between an extremist and a religion. So don't be a freaking dumbass and generalize shit.
And your "apology" was obviously not genuine. You just wanted to cover your tracks 'cause the whole freaking nation just witnessed how ignorant you are.
And oh my gosh, blondie SHUT. UP.
By the way, a mosque can be built wherever. Everyone is entitled to their own religion. I bet if it was a church being built, you wouldn't have a problem with that now, would you O'Reilly? (AND IT'S NOT EVEN A MOSQUE THAT'S BEING BUILT, IT'S A FREAKING COMMUNITY CENTRE)
And yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but in your case, it's ignorant and disrespectful.
What if I said white people caused the freaking Holocaust? And then proceeded with a conclusion that all white people were Nazis? THEN WHAT.
Oh and okay, maybe you did say the "Japanese" bombed the U.S. But when you were saying "Japanese" you knew you were referring to the Japanese military. BUT when you're saying that the "muslims attacked us on 9/11" you're indicating Islam, the religion and all its practitioners. It's a whole different situation there, Billy boy.
But hey, I guess maybe you have a racist bone in your body or you're already thoroughlyconvinced brainwashed by Bush's government.
"Because muslims killed people on 9/11!"
Are we even sure that "muslims" did this? You don't have real fucking proof.
There is a huge distinction between an extremist and a religion. So don't be a freaking dumbass and generalize shit.
And your "apology" was obviously not genuine. You just wanted to cover your tracks 'cause the whole freaking nation just witnessed how ignorant you are.
And oh my gosh, blondie SHUT. UP.
By the way, a mosque can be built wherever. Everyone is entitled to their own religion. I bet if it was a church being built, you wouldn't have a problem with that now, would you O'Reilly? (AND IT'S NOT EVEN A MOSQUE THAT'S BEING BUILT, IT'S A FREAKING COMMUNITY CENTRE)
And yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but in your case, it's ignorant and disrespectful.
What if I said white people caused the freaking Holocaust? And then proceeded with a conclusion that all white people were Nazis? THEN WHAT.
Oh and okay, maybe you did say the "Japanese" bombed the U.S. But when you were saying "Japanese" you knew you were referring to the Japanese military. BUT when you're saying that the "muslims attacked us on 9/11" you're indicating Islam, the religion and all its practitioners. It's a whole different situation there, Billy boy.
But hey, I guess maybe you have a racist bone in your body or you're already thoroughly
Are you freaking kidding me?! What the hell.
I don't understand. Why are the two worst candidates in the lead?! Really, Smitherman and Ford? REALLY TORONTO?!?!?!?
Why have our elections consecutively been a joke? I.e. The last time we had elections for Prime Minister, that was fucking useless. Dion and Harper. THE WORST CANDIDATES.
Elections cannot be taken seriously if the people running aren't professional.
The neutral man would be Pantalone. Just because I will not be voting for either of the two leading men, I'll have to stay neutral.
I don't understand. Why are the two worst candidates in the lead?! Really, Smitherman and Ford? REALLY TORONTO?!?!?!?
Why have our elections consecutively been a joke? I.e. The last time we had elections for Prime Minister, that was fucking useless. Dion and Harper. THE WORST CANDIDATES.
Elections cannot be taken seriously if the people running aren't professional.
The neutral man would be Pantalone. Just because I will not be voting for either of the two leading men, I'll have to stay neutral.
I am beyond ecstatic right now! I finished the introduction paragraph for my first ever university dissertation de philosophie!!!
I HAD NOTHING for two weeks. Now, I can freaking consult after our next class. I'll have the ébauche and everything done.
This calls for a celebratory toast.
: )
I HAD NOTHING for two weeks. Now, I can freaking consult after our next class. I'll have the ébauche and everything done.
This calls for a celebratory toast.
: )
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Municipal elections
Obviously I am going to vote but I have no effing clue who deserves to be elected mayor. All the candidates uh how do I say this nicely, don't fucking know what to do. First of all, Ford is RIDICULOUS. No comment on Smitherman - actually I've got MANY comments on this guy but it would be nicer of me to keep them to myself. No honestly though, remember that article in The Star weeks ago where he was seen "enjoying the beautiful Toronto". Those pictures were as douchebaggy as they could ever get. Drinking from a fountain and pretending to actually give a shit. LIKE NO. I met the guy in person at an event a couple of weeks ago, he told me to vote for him and handed me a brochure. Haha, HELL NOOO. Threw away that brochure the minute I got it. I went through it and there were pictures of Black people, Asian people, White people, ALL KINDS OF RACES. It's so fucking ridiculous. Just to show that he's a people person and loves them in all colours. How freaking annoying. Oh and he wants to build a francophone neighbourhood in downtown Toronto. Okay that would be nice for us francophone people but is it really a priority right now??? What about the amount of debt the city is in? THINK BEFORE PLANNING YOUR PROJECTS. Some things we can live without you know? Like I've only been in Toronto for eight years... There are other people who have lived here their whole life and I'm sure they can live without whatever the hell you want to expand and shit. WHY should we spend MORE money??? And removing taxes? REALLY? Why were they put into action those taxes in the first place?! BECAUSE THE CITY NEEDS THE FUCKING MONEY!!!! THAT'S WHY.
To Thompson: LOL You are now "supporting" Smitherman because no body fucking supported you. First you were all, yeah Rossi!!! 'cause Smitherman doesn't know shit but then God knows why, you're all "SMITHERMAN!!!!!" WHAT THE FUCKKKK.
And you're all a bunch of little girls. When it comes to your campaign all you do is bash your opponents. Are you really that insecure?!? Grow some balls. How professional though, really, very professional.
If only politicians were honest people, I would definitely give them the benefit of the doubt.
So when October 25 arrives upon us, think rigorously about who you're voting for.
To Thompson: LOL You are now "supporting" Smitherman because no body fucking supported you. First you were all, yeah Rossi!!! 'cause Smitherman doesn't know shit but then God knows why, you're all "SMITHERMAN!!!!!" WHAT THE FUCKKKK.
And you're all a bunch of little girls. When it comes to your campaign all you do is bash your opponents. Are you really that insecure?!? Grow some balls. How professional though, really, very professional.
If only politicians were honest people, I would definitely give them the benefit of the doubt.
So when October 25 arrives upon us, think rigorously about who you're voting for.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Reading week officially starts today.
Although my long weekend did consist of a lot of homework, I still have a shitload of things to accomplish.
An assignment due this Friday @ 4pm.
Study for a linguistics test for next Monday.
Start writing that philosophie dissertation which is due October 28. I have to have at least the rough draft done.
Let's do this.
Goodbye sleep : (
Although my long weekend did consist of a lot of homework, I still have a shitload of things to accomplish.
An assignment due this Friday @ 4pm.
Study for a linguistics test for next Monday.
Start writing that philosophie dissertation which is due October 28. I have to have at least the rough draft done.
Let's do this.
Goodbye sleep : (
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Napping and I are becoming the greatest of friends. I have never loved sleeping this much before. WTF.
Austin Gibbs x Fairline = HELL TO THE EFFING YEAH!!!
Austin Gibbs x Fairline = HELL TO THE EFFING YEAH!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sitting in my room drowning in sweats and my j-squad swag, trying to study for that psych quiz tomorrow.
Philo class was great today. I love that course with all my being.
I've got inspiration for my paper, yay! Time to start writing it...
On the bus ride home, I saw the most swagger guy I've ever seen in my life. How do you use that term as an adjective?! But anyway, he had swagger. A lot of it - in multitude proportions. And he wasn't even wearing anything special: fitted khaki slacks and sneakers and a hoodie.
So obviously I couldn't help but stare. Hahaha. My bad!
Philo class was great today. I love that course with all my being.
I've got inspiration for my paper, yay! Time to start writing it...
On the bus ride home, I saw the most swagger guy I've ever seen in my life. How do you use that term as an adjective?! But anyway, he had swagger. A lot of it - in multitude proportions. And he wasn't even wearing anything special: fitted khaki slacks and sneakers and a hoodie.
So obviously I couldn't help but stare. Hahaha. My bad!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
day after
Bittersweet goodbye at the airport resulted in puffy eyes the next morning.
I will miss you both dearly but this is just a goodbye : )
I will miss you both dearly but this is just a goodbye : )
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I've been consecutively tired for the past week or so. I guess it's just fatigue accumulated over the week. But I honestly don't understand; I finish at noon 4/5 days. Maybe it's the change in weather that's playing with me.
I have a mini psyc quiz on Wed.
I have a philo paper due Oct 26-ish.
I have a paper/project on L'alimentation/la nutrition des Japonais due in march (but I have to finish it, better yet, start it as soon as possible.)
Reading week (unfortunately) will consist of writing that philo paper and studying for nats1500 test and then maybe, catch up on some sleep.
Anyway, today is going to be extremely depressing. My grandparents are leaving. I have been so accustomed to them being in the house these past five months. They are my world, my everything, I love them. It's going to be hard. I've got more important and costly shit to worry about though: university.
So, life happens. If shit is thrown at you, scoop it up and deal with it. Or just step on it like you don't give a fuck.
I don't know what I'm saying anymore.
I'm definitely getting that "Life happens" tattoo someday.
I have a mini psyc quiz on Wed.
I have a philo paper due Oct 26-ish.
I have a paper/project on L'alimentation/la nutrition des Japonais due in march (but I have to finish it, better yet, start it as soon as possible.)
Reading week (unfortunately) will consist of writing that philo paper and studying for nats1500 test and then maybe, catch up on some sleep.
Anyway, today is going to be extremely depressing. My grandparents are leaving. I have been so accustomed to them being in the house these past five months. They are my world, my everything, I love them. It's going to be hard. I've got more important and costly shit to worry about though: university.
So, life happens. If shit is thrown at you, scoop it up and deal with it. Or just step on it like you don't give a fuck.
I don't know what I'm saying anymore.
I'm definitely getting that "Life happens" tattoo someday.
Friday, October 1, 2010
School has eaten up my life, basically.
I finished my first assignment! At first, I had no offing clue what the hell was required of me to do, but after reading it multiple times, I understood.
However, now I have a 8-10 pages, double-interligne, philosophie dissertation due in a couple of weeks based on Ménon.
A mini Psyc quiz next Wednesday.
I am more worried about the dissertation than anything else at this moment.
I finished my first assignment! At first, I had no offing clue what the hell was required of me to do, but after reading it multiple times, I understood.
However, now I have a 8-10 pages, double-interligne, philosophie dissertation due in a couple of weeks based on Ménon.
A mini Psyc quiz next Wednesday.
I am more worried about the dissertation than anything else at this moment.
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